1. Call to Order - Mayor Joseph T. McElveen, Jr.
2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Robert A. Galiano, Jr.
Consider appointments expired June 30, 2018 and other vacancies.
Consider Final Reading of Ordinance No. 2615 rezoning an approximate 0.30-acre parcel of land located at 702 North Main Street (Tax Map No. 229-13-01-036) from Residential-6 (R-6) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).
Consider Final Reading of Ordinance No. 2616 amending relevant portions of the City of Sumter Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance to adopt the Wateree Watershed Maps and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) revisions that become effective September 28, 2018; and, to update the Ordinance to make corrections and clarifications noted in the 2017 South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Community Assistance Visit (CAV) and the Community Rating System (CRS) Cycle Visit.
Consider Resolution No. 745 authorizing a contract for the Manning Avenue Sewer Replacement Project (Manning Avenue Bridge to Andrews Street).
Consider First Reading of an ordinance relating to the recovery of collection costs as part of delinquent debts collected pursuant to the Setoff Debt Collection Act.
Consider First Reading of an ordinance to be known as the Burn Ordinance of the City of Sumter, South Carolina.
Receive comments from Council members concerning matters of interest to Council and the City of Sumter.
To review any pending legislation pertinent to local government.
Pursuant to SC Code Sec. 30-4-70(a)(2) to discuss "employment, appointment, compensation, promotion, demotion, discipline, or release of an employee."